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UUSF has a number of events that occur once a year. Learn about each here.



Every year in October, we host an auction party to fundraise for UUSF. For the latest information about the date, the theme, and volunteering opportunities, read the Flame. Learn More


You're invited to our Seders, held in April every year. Learn More


Every Memorial Day Weekend we gather in Occidental, CA for games, hiking, swimming, s'mores, and more. Join us! Learn More


The General Assembly will be in Baltimore, MD, from June 18-22, 2025, with online and in-person options. Learn More


Our Annual Holiday Faire takes place every December! Come peruse homemade wares and enjoy food and drinks. 


Every year, UUSF holds a fundraising auction in October. In 2024, the theme was Garden Party and the auction featured a live band, homemade German and Japanese food, and other fun festivities. 

Information about the 2025 Auction, including the date and the theme, is coming soon. Feel free to contact us if you would like more information.
With Gratitude,
Cheryl Deaner and Gino Fortunato, Co-Chairs



May 24-26, 2025

We are ready to return to Sonoma Country to enjoy time with friends and family. We’ll spend our first evening at the campfire making s’mores, singing campfire songs, and staring up at the star-filled night sky. There will be time to enjoy a walk in the woods, read a book, or play games. We’ll have fun workshops and fun worship. We’ll dance the Happy Dance at the Talent Show. Come and rejuvenate the spirit. You’ll be glad you did.


The CYO Retreat Center has comfortable dormitory cabins, showers and bathrooms, a swimming pool, a pond for canoeing, archery, tennis and basketball courts, and beautiful trails. CYO is up the road from Wild Flour Bakery, famous for their sticky buns; local wineries; the town of Occidental; and close by to the Russian River. Retreaters bring their own bedding, towels, and toiletries. 


Registration information coming in 2025!


Feast for Freedom: A Potluck Celebration of Liberation and Tradition!

Passover Seder—Friday, April 18 @ 6:30 pm, TSK Room


Join us in celebrating freedom, exploring the connection between ancient ritual and modern liberation struggles, singing, and enjoying a delicious potluck dinner. All ages are welcome!


We will provide chicken, wine, and traditional Passover food, including matzo and matzo ball soup. Please help us make this event a success by volunteering to help with set-up, clean-up, and bringing a dish to share. Suggested donation of $10-20 to cover wine, food, and other costs, but no one was turned away due to lack of funds.




Get Ready for the 2025 General Assembly in Baltimore

This year’s General Assembly is coming up! It will be held in Baltimore, MD, from June 18th through June 22, 2025. For more info, use this link:


Delegate positions have been filled. 

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