Welcome to the Adult Spiritual Growth page! Below, you will find a list of our current offerings. All programs are open to everyone. Make sure to check if the class requires registration. You can easily complete the registration process online.
If you have questions, or would like to offer a class for our community, please contact Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life
Email -
Phone - (415) 776-4580
Minister's Book Group

New UU Class: Welcome Home
Next class: Sunday April 27
New UU is an interactive class offered by our Minister for Congregational Life, Rev. Laura Shennum. This class offers the chance to get a deeper understanding of Unitarian Universalism and our congregation. It offers an introduction to UU history, UUSF's mission and covenant, information about the membership process, and ways to get involved in our community.
Attending this class is also one of the steps to becoming a member at UUSF, however all are welcome, no matter their interest in membership.
Our next class will be on Sunday April 27 2025 at 1PM, in-person at UUSF. Snacks will be provided and childcare is available to anyone who needs it. Regiser below.
Email Emma Wakeling with any questions:

The Unitarian Universalist EcoSocialist Network
The Unitarian Universalist EcoSocialist Network is hosting a discussion group on all things spirituality, ecology, and the socialist transition of society.
If you're interested in finding out more or getting involved, contact Gregory Stevens:

Tuesdays & Thursdays
8:00-8:30 am
Leader: Elena Perez, Member of UUSF
Online Class. Click button to join Zoom call. ZOOM Password: metta
You are warmly welcomed to join this "Morning Metta Meditation" group, which meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, 8-8:30 am. Elena leads a simple, centering, loving-kindness meditation practice that is appropriate for all religious backgrounds and levels of meditation experience. Attendees can choose to leave their microphone and camera off and just follow along.
About the Leader: Elena Perez is a member of UUSF. She is a Licensed Acupuncturist who practices in SF at Dance With Life Chiropractic in the Inner Sunset and in Fresno at Benessere Fresno.
Questions? email

8:00-8:30 am
Leader: Elena Perez, Member of UUSF
Online Class. Click button to join Zoom call. ZOOM Password: metta
Watch a Sample Recording Equanimity Practice
You are warmly welcomed to join our "Equanimity Practice" group, which meets on Fridays, 8-8:30 am. Elena Hanyo leads a simple meditation practice on cultivating equanimity—that is, accepting the reality of life's highs and lows and developing an attitude of peaceful calm abiding throughout the inevitable changes. This practice balances the heart-centered approach of our other group, lovingkindness, as it is common to get attached to positive outcomes for those we spend time wishing well. Equanimity allows us to develop mental stability and even-minded loving awareness. Appropriate for all religious backgrounds and levels of meditation experience. Attendees can choose to leave their microphone and camera off and just follow along.
About the Leader: Elena Hanyo Perez is a member of UUSF. She is a Licensed Acupuncturist who practices in SF at Dance With Life Chiropractic in the Inner Sunset and in Fresno at Benessere Fresno, as well as a lay minister with Bright Dawn Center for Oneness Buddhism.
Questions? Email