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Garden Party Auction

Sunday, October 20, 12:30 pm

Tickets are available for the UUSF Garden Party Auction on October 20 after services. We eagerly await your auction donations for our online auction, set to open to the congregation in mid-September. The links below provide both ticket and donation information. We welcome you to visit us at our table in the gallery on Sundays, too.
Plans for food, music, and entertainment are already underway. Want to get involved in the Auction Committee this year? No prior experience is required, and this temporary committee is a wonderful way to get to know enjoyable people.
This year, you can donate to Fund-A-Need in advance of our live auction on October 20th. In addition to financing the "UU the Vote" trip to Arizona for voter education prior to the election, the proceeds from Fund-A-Need will also support the recruitment of a future ministerial intern at UUSF.


Cheryl Deaner and Gino Fortunato, Co-Chairs, “Garden Party: Support, Join, Grow!”

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