Coordinator: Kat Liu
Email: bipoc@uusf.org
To provide a space for social, emotional, and spiritual support for BIPOC* UUSF members and friends.
Join us for some conversation, community building, and organizing. Open to anyone who identifies as Black, Indigenous, or a person of color*.
The meeting is held via Zoom and in person in the Stebbins Room on the first Sunday of each month, typically from 9:30-10:50 am.
Email bipoc@uusf.org to be added to the mailing list and/or receive information about the next meeting.
*People of Color (POC)
in the contemporary American context aims to include people who are of African, Latinx, Native American, Asian, Pacific Islander, and Middle Eastern descent. The phrase draws from the legacy of Black women's leadership in building coalitions with other non-white groups at the 1977 National Women's Conference and to claim our identity as people of color is a political act of self-naming that places us in solidarity with other people of the global majority. BIPOC explicits names Black and Indigenous peoples.
Upcoming Events
Unpacking Racism: Join Us for a Powerful Workshop and Discussion!
Saturday, January 18, at 10:00 am, TSK Room/Zoom
Join us on Saturday, January 18, at 10:00 AM for a mini workshop presented by The Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Caucus at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco (UUSF), in tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr. The event will feature a screening of "Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America," followed by a discussion and lunch with guest facilitator Milton Reynolds, an Equity and Inclusion Consultant, formerly with Facing History and Ourselves. All are welcome to attend.
To help with food planning, registration is strongly recommended by Thursday, January 16 (click here).
You can phone in at +1 669 900 6833. Meeting ID: 973 3356 4091 Passcode: 158646
BIPOC Small Group - Deepening Series
Led by Rev. Seanan Fong
Third Sundays from 1:00-3:00 pm, Hybrid
January 19
February 16
This small group will provide a space for the BIPOC community to engage deeply in spiritual themes and practices. For more information, contact Rev. Seanan here.