Your generous financial support enables our Society to continue thriving as a beacon of liberal faith in San Francisco. This welcoming community for the liberal spirit is supported and sustained by contributions from our members, friends, visitors and guests; in other words, from folk just like you!
Click the word "DONATE" above to access Vanco, our online payment platform.
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Our pledge drive for 2024-25 will launch on March 3, 2024! Our goal is to raise $750,000. Pledges are promises to give in the future and help us budget for the next fiscal year. Learn More!
If you have the means, pledge today!
Give through our online payment system by Vanco. You can select which fund to give to and set up a profile to make future donations simpler. We strongly encourage you to set up an account when you first donate to UUSF.
Click Here to Donate Online
Yes, we accept checks! Please make any check out to First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco.
Mail your check to 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA, 94109.