As Unitarian Universalists, we support and encourage a lifetime pursuit of spiritual growth and learning for all ages. Through classes, programs, workshops, community events, rituals, rites of passage and worship we seek to:
Experience a sense of the sacred
Deepen connections with others through opportunities of shared learning
Develop an understanding of our religious heritage and what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist
Respect and appreciate of the religious and spiritual traditions of others
Clarify personal religious values
Express religious convictions through reflection and action
Our Sunday School program offers children and youth a safe and supportive space to grow spiritually, to take part in joyful faith exploration, learn about Unitarian Universalism, build community, and have fun! We offer age/grade specific classes on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm Classes are led by Lead Teachers and supported by volunteers. We continue to monitor safety protocols and will adjust our program to ensure the safety of our children, youth and families
If you have questions, or would like to offer a class for our community, please send an email to info@uusf.org.

Spiritual growth and religious education are lifelong pursuits. No matter our age, we seek insight into life's big questions: Is there a God? What happens when I die? What does it mean to be human? What do I believe, and why? UUSF offers a wide range of classes, programs, workshops and trainings to explore these questions, and much more. Classes and programs are open to everyone.
Programming includes book and discussion groups, meditation, yoga, and classes on UU history, theology, and world religions. There are arts based classes, cultural outings, and special workshops and trainings on a range of topics. We are committed to the work of educating ourselves on issues of oppression and becoming an anti-racist congregation.
Programming is led by our ministers, staff, lay leaders and special guests, and is offered throughout the church year (September-June).
If you have questions, or would like to offer a class for our community, please contact Rev. Laura at lshennum@uusf.org