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Membership is Open to All!

Questions? Contact
Pictured: New Members Fall 2024

As a member of UUSF, you join a faith community that has been an integral part of San Francisco since its founding in 1850.  If you are interested in joining, see below for steps to membership.



Newcomer Orientation usually takes place on the first Sunday of each month at 12:30 pm in the Fireside Room. 

New to this community? New to Unitarian Universalism? 

Newcomers are welcome to join us after the service to meet some of our members and learn more about our congregation and Unitarian Universalism. It's a great chance to meet other folks in the community, ask any questions you might have, and find out how to get involved in our programs and ministries.


Led by passionate members of UUSF, this is a great first stop on your journey into our spiritual movement.

Sessions are (usually) held on the first Sunday of the month. Scroll down on the front page of our website for upcoming dates.


We look forward to meeting you!


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New UU: A Welcome Home

Sunday April 27 2025

New UU is an interactive class offered by our Minister for Congregational Life, Rev. Laura Shennum. This class offers the chance to get a deeper understanding of Unitarian Universalism and our congregation. It offers an introduction to UU history, UUSF's mission and covenant, information about the membership process, and ways to get involved in our community. It is also one of the steps to becoming a member at UUSF, but is open to anyone interested in learning more about our community. 


Our next class will be on Sunday February 9 2025 at 1PM, in-person at UUSF. Snacks will be provided and childcare is available to anyone who needs it. Register to attend below. 


Our ministers want to get to know you. We ask that all prospective members meet with one of our ministers.​

We hold a Membership Ceremony a few times a year on Sundays. On this day new members will sign our Membership Book and be recognized during the service.



Following your meeting with the minister, you will receive a Membership Packet with helpful resources and forms to complete before formally joining the congregation. These include: 


A Pledge of Record

Members of UUSF are asked to make a financial pledge each year. A pledge can be paid over the course of the fiscal year. Your financial support help support the mission and vision of the congregation. Pledges may be paid through our online platform (Vanco) or by check. Waivers are avilable to those who are unable to make a financial pledge. If you have questions about pledges, donations and pledge payments, contact Laura Ludwig, Director of Operations -


Information Form

Prospective members are asked to complete a couple forms, which ask about your interest, skills and talents. We offer many opportunities to both learn and lead. 



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