Chair: Carrie Steere-Salazar - Email: Phone: (415) 710-0384

UUSF Nominating Committee – 2024-25
As its name suggests, the Nominating Committee nominates congregants to leadership roles on the UUSF Board of Trustees and the UUSF Nominating Committee. (Nominating Committee members are not eligible to serve on the Board of Trustees during their tenure on the Nominating Committee; neither are they eligible to be nominated by the Nominating Committee for any elective office other than membership on the Nominating Committee). Nominations are solicited through consultation with the Board, UUSF Committee chairs, ministerial staff, interaction with congregants and self-nominations. In preparing a slate of candidates for the Society’s consideration, we look for a balance of skills, a record of volunteer effort, good will, and recognition of the UUSF covenant that “…love it the spirit of this church and service is its prayer.”
Slates of candidates for the Board and Nominating Committee are presented to the Members of the Society at least 60 days before the election (usually in June) to allow time for additional nominations to be made by petition in accordance with Article VII, Section B. To inform congregants about those proposed for leadership roles, the Nominating Committee publishes brief statements written by all candidates which include summaries of their relevant experience and statements of why they wish to serve. The biographies for the 2022-23 Nominating Committee members are below.
In recent years the Nominating Committee has expanded it thinking about leadership from just nominating people to such positions to supporting the development and sustainment of leadership. To support the development of leadership, we seek to match congregant skills and interests with various UUSF group and committee needs. To support the sustainment of leadership, we identify leadership development resources available to UU committees and groups. It takes a village. How do we develop and sustain ours? We welcome your comments and suggestions.

The Nomination Committee was thrilled to nominate three new candidates for the Board of Trustees (BOT) and Nominating Committee: Courtney Young-Law, our newest Nominating Committee member, and Julia Wald and Laura Davis, our two newest Board members! At our recent annual meeting on June 2, 2024, the membership enthusiastically elected all three of the new candidates, along with incumbent members Liz Strand (BOT), Lucy Smith (BOT), Diane Allen (BOT), Gino Fortunato (Nominating Committee), Rob Packenham (Nominating Committee), and Carrie Steere-Salazar (Nominating Committee).
Board of Trustees
Diane Allen was elected to a one-year term effective 7-1-2023
She was elected to a second one-year term effective 7-1-2024
Diane is eligible to be elected to two additional two-year terms effective 7-1-2025 (for a total of six contiguous years), ending on 6-30-2029
Julia Wald was elected to her first two-year term, effective 7-1-2024. Julia is eligible to be elected to two additional two-year terms, effective 7-1-2026 and ending on 6-30-2030
Laura Davis was elected to her first two-year term, effective 7-1-2024. Laura is eligible to be elected to two additional two-year terms, effective 7-1-2026 and ending on 6-30-2030
Liz Strand was elected to her first two-year term, effective 7-1-2020 and was re-elected to her second term effective 7-1-2022. Liz begins her final term in office effective 7-1-2024. Liz will be “termed out” on June 30, 2026
Lucy Smith was elected to her first two-year term, effective 7-1-2022. She begins her second term of office effective 7-1-2024 and is eligible to be elected for one additional term, effective 7-1-2026 and ending 6-30-2028
Sam King was elected to his first term effective 7-1-2023. Sam is eligible to be elected to two additional two-year terms effective 7-1-2025 and ending 6-30-2029
Linda Enger was elected to her first term effective 7-1-2021 and was re-elected effective 7-1-2023. Linda is eligible for one additional two-year term effective 7-1-2025 and ending 6-30-2027
Galen Workman was elected to his first term effective 7-1-2023. He is eligible to be elected to two additional terms of office effective 7-1-2025 and ending 6-30-2029
Lori Lai was elected to her first term effective 7-1-2019. She was re-elected in 2021 and again, for the third term, in 2023. Lori will be “termed out” effective 6-30-2025
Nominating Committee
Teresa Goebels was elected to a one-year term effective 7-1-2022 and re-elected to a two year term effective 7-1-2023. Teresa will be “termed out” effective 6-30-2025 after serving for three years.
Erica Murray was elected to her first two-year term effective 2021 and re-elected effective 7-1-2023. She will be “termed out” on 6-30-2025.
Courtney Young-Law was elected to her first two-year term effective 7-1-2024. She is eligible for one additional two-year term effective 7-1-2026 and ending 6-30-2028.
Gino Foutunado was elected to a two-year term effective 7-1-2022 and was re-elected effective 7-1-2024. Gino will be “termed out” effective 6-30-2026.
Rob Packingham was elected to a one-year term effective 7-1-2023. He was re-elected to a two-year term effective 7-1-2024 and will,be “termed out” effective 6-30-2026 after serving for three years.
Carrie Steere-Salazar was elected to her first term effective 7-1-2022 and re-elected effective 7-1-2024. She will be “termed out” effective 6-30-2026
Hanna Clements Hart was elected to her first term effective 7-1-2023. She is eligible for one more two-year term effective 7-1-2025 and ending on 6-1-2027