UUSC is a human rights organization powered by grassroots collaboration. We foster social justice, protect rights at risk and work toward a world free from oppression.
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Every year from Thanksgiving through New Year’s, thousands of Unitarian Universalists of all ages place Guest at Your Table boxes (or other special containers) on their dining tables or other family gathering places and “feed” these containers daily with contributions for the work of our denomination’s “faith in action” organization, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. We learn about some of the grassroots partners the UUSC works with—the unseen “guests” at our tables—and the work they do to promote justice and create transformational solutions to the problems their communities and our world are facing. The ritual of making contributions to a Guest at Your Table box offers us an opportunity to set aside time daily to reflect on our UU commitment to social justice and human rights work and the meaning of the choices we make on a daily basis about our material resources. Amid the commercial whirl of the holiday season, it gives all of us an opportunity to reflect on and share our many blessings and to connect with the deeper meaning of the season. For more information about this program and some of the work it supports at UUSC, please visit https://www.uusc.org/.
If you weren’t at the service on 11/19 for this year’s Guest at Your Table Program kickoff and box distribution, it’s not too late to participate in this program. Boxes and information about the program will be available at the UUSC table after the service every Sunday through 12/16 and in the church office after that. You can also contact Linda Harris at linda.p.harris@gmail.org for more information.